We all remember the Bible story of Joseph and his many-colored coat in Genesis 37. Well, there is a cat with a coat of many colors. That cat is the Calico. Most are multicolored in a white coat, and to be calico, they must have at least three colors in white. They dumped our gorgeous calico in a house down the road from The Sanctuary. The woman who brought her to humans, who would become her Mommy, Daddy, and Sister because she already had several cats, She was not sure what was taking place—being dumped out of one car and brought to another place right after that. This calico did not even want to leave the second car, so she hid under the seat and wouldn’t let anyone near her. That is until she heard this strange man’s voice talking to her. She crept to the edge of the seat back and looked out. Everyone else stood back from the cat while this happened. Soon after, the human reached out gently and stroked a cute head. Suddenly, this calico was in her father’s arms. As soon as she walked into the house, her adopted dad petted her all over. Once inside, Mommy wondered what a good name might be, and this little girl immediately jumped up and crawled onto his shoulders. Mommy said, “Maybe Toppie?” and held her head up proudly to approve. Toppie, the quickest sanctuary name ever given for the next few months, stayed as close to Daddy as she could when he was at home. She would shadow him, not wanting to be far from her “savior”. Her confidence grew, and she started “helping” Daddy with some of his projects. Especially when he works with his accessories, making bracelets or necklaces. Now, he never gets mad because he knows it is a cat. He picks up the pieces and starts over. But yes, he gets frustrated but never mad. The kids are too precious for him to become angry. She meets with her sister, a cat whisperer, six months later to answer a significant question: to adopt or not to adopt. Ms. Toppie says, “I have my dad. This is my home.” So, she has her home with her Daddy, and she is a “Daddy’s Girl.” Mark has been away for a few months, and Ms. Toppie stands guard over his workshop. One of her favorite places, because she usually has Daddy to herself. In pleasant weather, she sits outside the workbench on the steps leading to the inside. In adverse weather, she sits in the back living room window watching his shop, waiting for more personal time with her dad. If Sister had to step out and open the shop door for any reason, Ms. Toppie would be right there. She must inspect every inch of the shop inside to ensure everything is ready for her dad when he gets home later this year.